This week we have several nursing students from University of Tennessee as well as folks from Ohio, volunteering with our project. Gathering seeds for distribution and visiting gardens is a time-consuming task. Without volunteers, our small groups can barely cope with getting it all together and done. With every open heart that comes to serve we, and our participants, are blessed with their enthusiasm and selfless service to others. Even small tasks, like labeling tools, watering greenhouse plants and swinging a hoe are a joy to them. When things start to get too time-crunched and you are feeling like there’s not enough time in the day, remember those who have (and do) eagerly work along side of you. And be blessed. Enthusiasm is infectious if you let it be.
Speaking about volunteers. They don’t only walk on two legs, or four if you use a horse or a dog. Plants volunteer too. We found a huge patch of tomato plants – and two totally outnumbered potato plants – in a pile of dirt next to our compost bins. And I learned something new! That’s always a good thing, right? Even they may have been large tomatoes, they might produce cherries. Cherry tomatoes that is. You probably already knew this, but I can’t wait to see what we get.
Make yourself a “contemplation space” maybe out of your garden. They don’t only have to bring you food; they can bring you peace as well. God Bless and Happy Planting! ~ Karen Dial
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