Things are really starting to get busy around here, the gardeners are all ready to start planting .
During the past two weeks I have been busy with potato’s, onions and fertilizer.

The after school kids at the Youth Center have been hard at work planning their garden. They want to expand the garden that is already there and raise enough vegetables to be able to sell some of their harvest at the Farmers Market this fall, they have named their garden group, “The Mustachios!
Maggie and I are so proud of the enthusiasm they have shown toward the planning and planting of their garden.

In March, Stacy White (Bell County Extension Office) and Bonnie Sigmon (Laurel County Extension Office) presented a class ,” Growing for the Farmers Market”, Bonnie spoke to the group about which vegetables sell best in our area. She also spoke to them about the rules and regulations of a Farmers Market.
 The Henderson Settlement Greenhouse is now open from 4p.m. (Closed 11-12 for Lunch) if anyone is interested in purchasing plants.