Getter Done!- Red Bird Mission
   Seeds, plants, and paperwork.  That was the thrust of our meeting last Thursday night.  We had a presentation on garden layout and crop rotation that Penn State University so graciously made available on the web.  I love the web!  It is kind of a double edge sword though.  There is sooooooo much information for us to cram into our spongy little brains.  But I digress.
   Things are getting under way with reviewing last year’s stats, scheduling garden visits, waiting again for another dry spell, and trying to decide what new things to plant.  The seeds we planted in the greenhouse are now seedlings.  YAY!  We are planning the layout of our Queendale gardens to produce what we need to last the summer into the fall.  Thinking ahead about high tunnels and such to extend our growing season.  
   We were blessed to receive a gift of a cultivator to pull behind the Red Bird Mission tractor.  Here are some before and after pics.  HEAVENLY SOIL!  The pictures are of our community/Grow Appalachia garden after plowing, then during the cultivating with our new implement and the smoooooth look after it’s done its thing. With Mike’s help, of course. Thanks a bunch to Mike Wagers, our auto maintenance man for doing this great work for us.  Next? Tilling our garden spots to plant next week.  God Bless and Happy Planting. ~ Karen Dial, Ag. Coordinator