Sadly, I have to say that the first time I heard or read this quote from the Bible was when The Byrds (yes, the Byrds) sang it in the 60s. Later I learned it came out of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. It actually says “There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven” (The Book, Tyndale House) How appropriate that is for this time of year.
We have, finally, had a dry spell to plow the earth and consider planting seeds. Chad and Karen have been brainstorming about what seeds to start and where to put them. Our greenhouse on the Queendale Campus of Red Bird Mission is getting some use this year as we try to start some transplants to lay in the prepared soil.
We are looking forward to getting the sets and seeds distributed to our participants and getting out to visit everyone this year. Soil samples are on the way, with more to come. Trainings are being organized and data is being collected. Karen is looking for appropriate shoes to wear (heels and flip-flops won’t cut it). Supplies are being collected and purchased. Yep, we’re about ready to roll. Can’t wait to start getting our sites ready to lay the seed and watch those little green shoots come up.
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