Seeing the first signs that spring is around the corner Gardeners in South east Kentucky don’t know what kind of weather to expect from day to day or from day to night but that doesn’t stop these ambitious gardener’s from working on their garden. February is when the planning process of your garden should be finalized and the planting of some late winter seeds (such as peas) can be done. So take advantage of those rare sunny days and get back in your garden. Get an early start on your gardening season by planting peas and sweet peas!
Steps for garden Preparation
· Get your Garden tools prepared and ready for use.
· Plan proper crop rotation
· Take soil samples to assure you make proper amendments to your soil
· Compost, processed or well-rotted manure are excellent organic amendments that can be added to your soil and are cheaper than most hardware store fertilizers.
Helpful Hints for planting peas
· Align rows North to South allowing the most possible sun penetration
· Dig a trench 4 inches deep, covering the seeds with only 1 inch of soil, then fill in as seedlings grow
· Space seeds about 1 to 2 inches apart in the row
· Thin seedlings to 2 inches apart when they are 4 inches high
· Space rows about 24 to 30 inches apart.
· Pole types can be planted on both sides of the trellis support to double yield.
· Seeds usually sprout in 10 to 20 days, depending on weather conditions
· Sow seeds at 2 to 3 week intervals, until mid-spring for continual harvest.
· Be certain to put up trellis support for climbing (pole) varieties, as soon as seedlings are 2 to 4 inches high.
When vines begin to die , either compost or till them into the soil
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