Meet and Greet

By |June 15th, 2020|Linwood|

Eryn Neyer is the new garden coordinator for the Linwood chapter of Grow Appalachia.  I wanted to introduce her and share that you will get to read blogs from her

Garlic Braids

By |August 15th, 2017|Linwood|

Last week, the Linwood Community Daycare had an absolutely record week of produce sales....over $500!  If only we could do that EVERY week!  The really interesting thing is that we

Garden Update

By |July 15th, 2017|Linwood|

Since I haven't written an update in a while I thought I would just fill all you readers in on what's going on in Linwood and the surrounding areas. First,

All Wrapped Up

By |November 15th, 2016|Linwood|

How fast time goes by!  It feels like yesterday we were almost unable to keep up with harvesting and now it's freezing cold and the garden has been put to

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