On the Horizon
In 2015 we saw many new families join the program and many committed participants returning to share their gardening knowledge and experience. With forty three families participating in the program
In 2015 we saw many new families join the program and many committed participants returning to share their gardening knowledge and experience. With forty three families participating in the program
For many years in Appalachia the months of September and October have meant among many other things, sorghum syrup a.k.a. “molasses” making time. Sweet sorghum syrup is a traditional staple
While fresh tomatoes are often synonymous with summer, so is sweet corn. I have many childhood memories surrounding sweet corn, and I am sure that most people do as well.
The weather seems to be wreaking havoc on many of the tomatoes that we see in local gardens, but for those who tied up their tomatoes early, used mulches, sprayed
Though these past few days have really felt quite a bit like fall the arrival of a bounty of fresh garden produce tells us that summer is in full swing
It seems we are in a bit of an early July slump at Pine Mountain. There is always work to do in the garden, but the persistent rain has us
Hello, my name is Andrew Whitehead. I am a Grow Appalachia assistant at Pine Mountain Settlement School. This is my second year working for the program and I love it.
Last week we held our second rain barrel workshop at Pine Mountain. The first rain barrel workshop was held in the fall of 2012, at that time we only had
Garlic scapes (flower stalks) after they have been pulled off the plant. Fresh and delicious garlic flavor! I love garlic. I planted over 100 garlic plants just for myself last