About Bringing Balance Back to the Garden
-Daphne Gooding Big Ugly was a farming/gardening area in the past. The main cash crop was tobacco. Tobacco has not been grown for about thirty years. If you know
-Daphne Gooding Big Ugly was a farming/gardening area in the past. The main cash crop was tobacco. Tobacco has not been grown for about thirty years. If you know
--Marcelle St Germain and Michael Tierney One of the great pleasures of gardening (and composting) are the surprises that come up in the garden (and the compost pile). Birds
In the pictures is the VanNatter family garden, this is their first year being a part of the Grow Appalachia program. They are growing all sorts of different vegetables from lettuce
How do we measure the impact our participation in Grow Appalachia has on access to healthy food? As important, how does that access have an impact on day to day