Equipping beginning farmers in kentucky to launch & resource their farms.

in-person classes

The Beginning Farmer Educational Series runs as an 8 month series designed to cover topics ranging from production planning, business development, marketing, and resourcing your farm. All classes are currently being held in-person.

hands-on learning opportunities

We offer a variety of hands-on learning opportunities from paid time on a mentor farm, to field days and crop mobs at farms across the state.

scholarships to attend regional conferences

Participants have the opportunity to receive scholarships to attend a variety of impactful conferences held across the region.

Program details:

Find important information below related to program requirements, class details, and options for additional learning.


Classroom Sessions


Class room sessions: Participants will attend 12 – 14 classes between January and August.

Participants should expect to attend 12 in person classroom events. Classroom sessions will be 4 hours long. Participants will need to secure transportation to the classroom session in Berea KY or another location.

Homework – It’s gonna happen so prepare yourself. All successful entreprenuers do their homework.

Mentorship with Experienced Farmers

Participants have the opportunity to intern on a regional farm and learn the trade in a hands on educational environment –

Positions are limited and expect to sweat!


Field Days & Workshops

Grow Appalachia and our partners deliver a series of free field days that participants are encouraged to attend. Field day topics range from diversified farm production, flower farming, rotational grazing, and more.

Crop Mobs

Grow Appalachia partners with regional farms to develop projects for hands-on learning. Participants learn or improve on a skill while assisting a farm to complete a project that needs “Many Hands”.

Regional Conference Scholarships

Participants will have the opportunity to attend regional conferences such as Organic Association of Kentucky, the Eastern KY Farmer Conference, the Virginia Biological Farming Conference, and others.

Grow Appalachia will cover the cost of registration.

End of Year Gathering

The gathering is a great opportunity to network with your farm community, learn about resources for the farm, and provide feedback to Grow Appalachia on how we can improve the program. Typically this gathering is held in Berea, Kentucky in August or September each year.

Program Partners

This program is supported by the

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