Hello everyone. Greetings from Menifee County, Kentucky located in beautiful northeastern Kentucky. I am Alex Sanders and I am the Site Supervisor for Grow Appalachia Gardening at Project Worth Outreach. The weather has been absolutely fantastic this week with fall like temperatures and very little humidity. We held our annual Grow Appalachia Garden Camp this week and this will be the focus of my blog report next week. Just a word of warning, I expect that it will be a fairly large post with lots of photos. This week my post will focus on Eddie Miller, one of our gardeners.
Eddie Miller lives on the far eastern end of the county from Project Worth Outreach. Eddie is very meticulous and is very detail oriented in everything he does. Eddie has stated that he “hates all the additives of pesticides and the cost of all store bought vegetables”. This is the first year that Eddie has been a participant in Grow Appalachia Gardening. He has attended most every meeting and has participated with enthusiasm during these meetings especially the question and comments portion of the meetings. Eddie’s garden is approximately 100’ X 50’ or about 5,000 square feet. He is growing green beans, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, green onions, cucumbers, squash, watermelon, cantaloupe and lettuce in his garden. Eddie plans to preserve most of his harvest for family consumption but would like to have a percentage of his harvest to sell at the Mean’s Organic Produce Market located at Project Worth Outreach. Below you will find photos of Eddie Miller’s garden.
In addition to Eddie Miller’s garden photos below please find this week’s recipe. Look for my post on our Grow Appalachia Garden Camp next week. Until then, enjoy this great weather we have been blessed with for as long as it last. Have great week in the garden.




















Corn Relish to Can
8 cups raw corn
1 quart chopped cabbage
1 cup diced celery
1 red bell pepper, chopped ( 1 cup)
1 quart cider vinegar
1 – 2 cups brown sugar, packed
4 tbsp. Dry yellow mustard
1 – 2 tbsp salt
1 tbsp turmeric
1 cup water
Cut corn from cob. Combine all ingredients except turmeric in a large stock pot and bring to a boil, then simmer uncovered for 30 minutes. Stirring occasionally. Add turmeric and cook 5 more minutes. Pour hot relish into sterilized ½ pint or pint jars, fill to ¼ inch from rim, and process in a boiling water bath 15 minutes. Makes about 5 pints. This is an old family recipe that members of my family have been using since the early 1950s. I sent a copy to the University of Kentucky extension office several years ago to double check the ingredients and processing time just to make sure it was a safe recipe to can.



Elaine Brown