I deeply struggle with the concept of ENOUGH. Am I working hard enough, am I planning ahead enough, am I doing enough, am I good enough, am I ENOUGH? In thinking about my theme of abundance, I really need to grapple with how I define enough – I am surrounded with abundance, so why do I struggle with how I measure up? This question crops up around this time every year as I work canning, freezing, and drying the abundance – am I putting back enough; have I really put enough effort into the garden; should I have done more? Luckily, when I get into the groove the enough monster quiets down and I am free to enjoy the process – instead of how many tomatoes I have harvested, I can enjoy the thrill of making my own tomato sauce. I keep my canned pears on the counter for a few extra days so I can walk by and pick them up – just because they are pretty. I connect with friends and family over recipes and hacks and promise folks jam for the holidays…and in that space I find the answer I perpetually forget – I will never be enough, but I am HERE, in this time with my community, struggling with the same uncertainties that have plagued humanity since the beginning of thought. And that is enough.
Ann with her salsa! Our canning class was a blast! Thank you to Vicki Boggs for her expertise and guidance.
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