This month, we completed our second round of site visits! This included a trip to Paul’s garden. Leading up to the visit, Paul teased us with stories of his gorgeous tomatoes and expansive irrigation system, so we just couldn’t wait! His garden lived up to the talk, and as always, Paul’s passion and enthusiasm was a highlight, too. We are so grateful that he wanted to share some thoughts with you all this month, and are touched by his kind words. Here’s what he had to say:

When I was a child I would help my great grandmother work her vegetable gardens. She lived in Warwood and had a garden that was approximately 300 square feet. She grew onions, potatoes, beans, peas, peppers, tomatoes as well as zucchini, squash and cabbage. She came from a farm background and was very adept at vegetable growing. As a young child I was always excited to help her.

Fast forward 16 years, I decided to start a small vegetable garden when my wife and I purchased our first home. Believe me when I tell you that I was flying by the seat of my pants. Growing vegetables was a natural undertaking for me but it became evident that there was more to gardening than just sticking plants in the ground. I was always able to harvest some vegetables but there were always issues with different crops from year to year. One of my biggest stumbling blocks was raising plants from seed. I tried for 3 years to grow some vegetables from seed. I would have no problem having the seeds start but they would all get somewhat leggy and then fail.

Last January I saw an ad that proclaimed a Backyard Gardener program was available with Grow Ohio Valley. I applied and fortunately I was chosen as a participant. The workshops, including instruction on growing plants from seed, soil composition, fertilization, disease control, as well as hands on instruction, has been pivotal in not only my knowledge base, but the amount of vegetables I am harvesting this year is phenomenal.

The program not only teaches you an organic approach to gardening but Grow Ohio Valley also held a cooking class utilizing the vegetables we grow. It was a eye opening seminar showing unique and innovative was to create some delicious meals. Having healthy, organic, chemical free vegetables is a gift to be enjoyed and savored. I want to personally thank the program directors for their knowledge and dedication to making this program a success.

– Paul, Grow Ohio Valley Backyard Gardener 2024

Photos from Pauls 2024 garden.