Hello from East Tennessee!

I am happy to report that our last garden visit of the season is on the horizon – happening this Thursday. Here at Build It Up East TN, we do our garden visits once a year during the hottest summer months. We used to just visit in the month of July, but when our program grew, we started visiting the last week of June through the first week of August putting our visit time right around 45 days. Each garden in the program receives a visit from yours truly during this time. It’s my most favorite time of year because I get to see everyone’s gardens come to life! I’ve gotten to see so many different types of gardens, small to big, and so many creative ways to garden. It’s so fun to see kids working and eating from the garden with joy and families of all sizes glowing when discussing the food they’ve grown. One thing that has brought me unexpected joy is seeing all the creative ways folks repurpose materials in the garden. Below are some of my favorites!

Repurposing a trampoline

One gardener planted blueberries this year. As some of you know, birds LOVE blueberries. In order to prevent birds from getting blueberries before her, she used an old trampoline frame and net to cover her blueberries. It even has a little zipper to get inside to pick easily. Check out the picture below!

Using an old bed frame as a trellis

Another gardener had an old bed frame and decided to use it as the structure for her trellis system. When I was there, in late June, the squash plants were still young and just beginning to grow up the trellis, but I thought it was a great way to provide sturdy structure without having to build too much.

Unique Garden Beds

One gardener decided to use free pallets to construct her raised beds. They provided much needed elevation so she didn’t have to bend as far and also good airflow for her soil. She told me she’s in search of more to build more beds! Another gardener had her husband build elevated raised beds out of reclaimed lumber so she wouldn’t have to bend as much as that was hard on her joints. I love the way these turned out. Garden beds come in all shapes and sizes. It’s important to recognize ways to make gardening accessible for all. These are a great way to combat mobility issues in the garden!


Using bricks as borders

This gardener decided to gather old brick she found on her property and her neighbor’s property and started placing them throughout her landscaping to delegate beds to certain crops. She decided she wanted to slowly convert her ornamental landscaping to edible landscaping and started by planting herbs and medicinal plants along the side of her house. Additionally, she has a full vegetable garden in her backyard as well as more landscaping to expand into out front. Dreams of fruit trees and bushes are in the works!

Old cups for young plants

This young gardener has what he calls “an overflow zone”. This is where extra plants and rescued plants live. He talked about the struggle of pulling up plants in the thinning process or getting rid of extra plants that would die, so he created a side garden for them to live in. It’s also where they put their compost and where a very strong willed squash popped out of and has been surviving despite not getting any water or special attention. Volunteer plants are oftentimes the most hardy! His creativeness came from reusing old plastic cups to help tomato suckers develop roots.

Gardening in art form

Gardening in and of itself is art, but these gardeners went the extra mile to make it a special place.


Thanks for reading along.

Until next time!

Rosie McVeigh

Build It Up East TN