Thank you for a great summer
I am very sad to say this is my last week interning for Virginia Cooperative Extension Wise County this summer. This internship has given me so many opportunities to get involved in my community. I have learned so much from my supervisor, Phil Meeks. I am also very grateful to the folks involved in Grow Appalachia for providing a platform where I could post about my experiences as a summer intern. I also want to thank the people I got to work with in the office: Phil Meeks, Sarah Gardner, LeAnn Hill, & Denise Maggard. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to work alongside you all.
These past ten weeks have been full of many new opportunities & experiences. However, my favorite experience from the internship has definitely been visiting the gardens of Wise County. This allowed me to get to know more people in my community and learn much about the gardening world. Here are some of my favorite photos I took on these Grow Wise site visits. Thank you all for reading!
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