All year we complain about eating bland mass-produced food and the worst of them all are tomatoes.  No matter how many varieties or where they travel from  tomatoes we purchase during the off season are just bland and have little to no flavor.    So this time of  year I am so excited as well as everyone else to eating fresh tomatoes from the garden, there is nothing better.  I think one of the hardest parts about growing tomatoes is choosing the variety of tomatoes you want to grow.  There are over 10,000 variety of tomatoes with over 3,000 varieties that are heirloom and who knows  how many are not in circulation that families have passed down for generations.   Out of all the choices  people continue to choose the same type every year to grow.   Maybe its because they know the variety they are growing and feel comfortable in growing them but to many there is nothing better then seeing a new variety or trying it but unfortunately we probably have not eaten  an 1/8 of the varieties that is out there.  Everyone should try a new variety each year even if you do not grow it but see what a neighbor is growing or look at your farmers market just to taste the difference.   This year my new tomato I got to sample  given to me by a friend was a chocolate striped and boy was it delicious.  Unfortunately it was sliced before I could get  picture but I can tell you it was good, one of my new favorites will have to put it on my list to try growing next year.

Even if you continue to grow the same varieties enjoy this time of year, we only have a few months left when we can go out to our back yards and pick a warm tomato.  Let the juices flow.