This month has been busy for our participants, all the gardens are pouring out the vegetables and canning is well along the way for many. Many of our participants came out to our canning classes. We were able to teach them how to water bath pasta sauce and pressure can green beans. Few of the gardeners had to start their gardens late so they are struggling with the heat on their plants. I ask Ginger to write me a little story about gardening.

The year 2020, reminded many of us of something that generations before knew as a way of life. Access to food is not guaranteed so we need to find ways to produce and preserve some essentials to sustain us. Previous generations did not have easy access to a grocery store full of choices. The construct of the grocery store is a relatively new thing and with that convenience comes generations thinking that potatoes come from a box, fruit is always in season and it doesn’t taste good unless it’s dyed a color not found in nature.

The current generations are paying the price for this convenience in all sorts of health related issues from eating highly processed foods, foods dyed with known carcinogens and fruits/vegetables that are picked unripe or sprayed with a preservative to keep them “fresh”.
Don’t get me wrong, I love a yummy apple all year long. I buy fries instead of making them from scratch every time. I don’t usually make mayo from raw ingredients and I can’t remember the last time I made ice cream or yogurt. There is a need for grocery stores, but we also need to teach our children (and often ourselves) how to grow and preserve food. Grocery stores don’t survive without delivery drivers to deliver the good, workers to stock the shelves and people to staff the store. We learned in 2020 the real fragility of our supply chain. Difficult times do happen and children who participate in planting, harvesting and preserving food have a skill that will help them survive difficult times. Families who grow together have the ability to share the bounty within their community and help others thru difficult times. I have been really impressed with the many resources available in our community to encourage home gardens. What a blessing to live in such a lush and fertile area and be so well supported in our families efforts to grow more of our own food.