This month we did our finally pot luck get together. Everyone had a blast visiting with one another and sharing some good food and stories. At the end of the dinner we gave out supplies such as large pots, jars, food savers, cages, and hoops to help prepare the farmers that were going to continue with winter harvest. I had talked to Teresa, one of my participants about how she felt everything went for her this year, and this was her reply.
Every year “the itch” to garden gets earlier and earlier. I want to get seeds started ASAP. Although January is a bit early, this year I started my cabbages too early and had to replant, lesson learned. I know other gardeners feel the same or have done the same from time to time. I have never been able to predict how well my garden will do- this year was no exception. I just knew it was going to be a failure, I was wrong.
Tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, and white half runners were great producers this year! My Okra and cabbage were not. I’m always amazed how it all turns out. However, I did replant the okra in the middle of July and now in the first of September, I am finally getting some okra. Each year we try a new item, this year was peppers. They did not do as good as we thought they should but we like them and will try them again next year.
Our fall garden is still a work in progress, the fall beans have grown nicely and have blooms. the radishes and kohlrabi have sprouted and grown quite well. Now the hard part–the waiting. This was our first year on the program and have found it to be a blessing.
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