Here at the Grow Sustainab-LEE program, it’s garden visits all around. Our agents are visiting our participants for their yearly garden visit in order to answer any questions or offer suggestions of how they can improve their yields in the coming years. It is always a delight to see what our experienced gardeners are doing, and to watch new gardeners blossom and grow as they start to get a feel for what to do. I know I might not be speaking for everyone, but to me there is no greater joy than harvesting from your very own garden, except for maybe teaching others to harvest from their very own gardens. This is the main idea behind the Grow Sustainab-LEE program and its why we do what we do. We love being able to help others learn how to grow their own food and how to do it without harming the Earth.
We always enjoy visiting Joe and Nina Jenks, whose garden never disappoints. They are by far our biggest producers and our only market gardeners. Amy Byington, our Agriculture extension agent here in Lee County, met with some of our gardeners at the Jenks’ farm to show some some tips and tricks to our less experienced gardeners. The photo’s show a few participants hanging out and learning what is going on in their neighbor’s garden. Mrs. Jenks is shown in the bottom photo letting folks check out their hoop house or high tunnel.
At the end of the day, this program means a lot to the folks here at Grow Sustainab-LEE. Without the help from Grow Appalachia at Berea college, we couldn’t offer the folks the chance to not only start their own gardens, but to grow organically. We also love that experienced gardeners are also eligible to join up as long as they are willing to make the switch to growing organically. I know it can be scary to change over from growing the way that momma and grandma and great-grandma did things, but I believe it is so worth the effort. Hopefully, our participants would agree with us and will continue to grow sustainably with the Grow Sustainab-LEE program for many years to come.
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