April has been an interesting month from having temperatures in the 80’s to back in the low 30’s with many nights having had frost. Fortunately for us we have been working with our families to understand the importance of planting during this time only cold hardy vegetables. In April,we distributed onion sets, collards, beets, lettuce seeds, seed potatoes and cabbage plants to our families. We are also looking to hire a few youth in the community to be part of our “Grow Crew” to assist us a community garden, as well as our families as needed, capture some of the stories shared and develop a cookbook with family favorite recipes of what participants grow.
As you can see I am not the best at writing a blog post and you can always count on mine being late but I am hoping this is something that our youth can assist with as well. We are excited to be working with a few youth this year to make our Grow Appalachia project stronger as well as making a difference for our youth. So hopefully by the next time our blog is due our “Grow Crew” will be in place and making this more exciting and on time.
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