Big Ugly April 2023 Blog
Spring is definitely here, and spring planting is underway. Potatoes and cool crops like kale, collards,
onions, peas, lettuce, are already in the ground, and green onions and lettuce are already being
Looking ahead and planning for about a month from now when we can be sure that overnight
temperatures will remain mild, things like peppers and tomatoes have been started inside the Big Ugly
Community Center, with a few having even been transitioned to the greenhouse. In fact, some cabbage
plants will be ready to hand out at our next gardener meeting this Saturday for those who grow
cabbage; we have a lot of people who love to make and preserve their own krout rather than buy the
bitter stuff sold in stores.
Surprisingly, it hasn’t been as wet as it can be this year- no flooded gardens, no potatoes rotting after
being planted, no super cold spells to kill off really tender plants. In fact, it’s been a nice combination of
warm and some wet that seems to encourage plants to thrive.
For a few who can’t wait to use their canners and jars, we have been harvesting the red bud blossoms
off our trees and making red bud jelly. It has a slightly fruity taste that is pleasant, and tastes really good
on a hot buttered biscuit.
Red Bud Jelly
4 c red bud blossoms
4 c water
3 c sugar
1 package Sure Jell
2 T lemon juice
1. Put the blossoms in the water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 3 minutes.
2. Drain, mashing out as much liquid as you can from the blossoms.
3. Measure liquid and add enough water to make it measure 4 C.
4. Bring to a boil and add the sugar and pectin.
5. Boil for 5 minutes.
6. Pour into 4 oz jelly jars and seal.
I’m so happy to see a redbud jelly recipe! Thank you for sharing, and happy gardening.