As a new site, we started out focusing on recruitment and getting people up to speed on the program. We had hoped for 20 families to participate, but were blown away when 30 families signed up! Our first meeting was January 28th, and we “hit the ground planting”, so to speak, and gave out sweet pea seeds and gardening planners. We have found that hybrid meetings are successful; we offer an in-person meeting with a Facebook LIVE option for those unable to attend. The response has been overwhelming, and we are so happy to have multiple counties represented at our site; Clay, Perry, and Leslie folks are all participating!
As of March, we have sweet peas popping up in gardens all around our region! We collected soil samples at our February meeting and hope to have that information back soon for participants. In March, we will welcome Mr. Mark Walden to our site to discuss pesticides. Our meetings have been lively with seasoned gardeners offering words of wisdom to our beginners. We are excited to offer this community connection and opportunity to grow together!
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