Why do I garden?
All the logic says I shouldn’t. I’m a “senior”, arthritic, and a very busy educator.
All the logic says I must.
We all saw the disruptions in the supply chain. We all see inflation hitting. We have all heard about the toxins in our groundwater and soil. We are aware of GMOs.
I garden for several reasons.
1. I want to provide healthful, nutritious, delicious foods for my family and “family.”
2. I love to learn new things and acquire new skills.
3. It gets us outdoors and moving.
4. We have re-connected with neighbors, a couple of whom have also been inspired to garden now!
5. Our pantry is filling up with preserved foods we’ve grown and processed!
6. It’s therapeutic! I do my best thinking and praying out in the garden!
7. Our grandkids devour the fresh produce as they pick. They don’t even realize how much healthy stuff they’re eating now!
8. I’ve made a whole bunch of new friends.
9. I’ve discovered that I am like the Little Engine – it’s hard, but I think I can! And I can!
10. Holiday gifts – Who wouldn’t want a case of salsa, jam, spaghetti sauce, juice, etc?
So, yes, I garden. I don’t always love it. I’m thankful to be able to supplement our family’s larder. I hope to continue to expand and learn. I’m so grateful to have been part of this program!
Candie London
Candie is a Grow Morristown Gardener, ’21-’22. She has been an engaged member, a regular volunteer and avid canner and all around great person. They continue to round out their garden design and added some perennial berries this year. It great to see their property take shape and see them grow as gardeners and community members. Enjoy some photos from this year’s garden tours! ~Jason
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