Gardening is almost half way through planting, harvesting, and getting ready for fall
planting. I have already been told by some of the gardeners what they will be planting
for fall.
This has been a good year so far for most of the gardeners in Logan County and
surrounding areas. A person can always tell who is concerned with their gardens, and
those who are not. Those who are concerned work in their garden every day and try to
maintain a good garden so that their harvest will be plentiful.
Canning and freezing have been very productive since the last of May and first part of June.
A good amount of food has been stored by canning in jars or freezing. They are getting ready for winter.
I would say by what I have received from them that they have canned or frozen over four-hundred or more jars of food.
I have noticed this year that more widows are gardening. Some have lost their spouse
and the income has been decreased quite a lot. Some of these women can really
put out a garden, and with the price of food their gardens will certainly come in handy.
We still have a large amount to harvest, most do not harvest potatoes until end of
September or early October, but, due to the weather we had this summer most had to
dig their potatoes, because they rot in the ground as it’s been so rainy. The ones who
planted early are the ones that had to dig them early.
Late crops of beans and several different kinds of greens have been planted, or are
waiting to harvest what they have planted to use that spot of ground. Sweet Potatoes
should be ready to harvest in late September. Everyone said their potatoes were doing
Mark and Faye visited Logan County on August 3rd, Buck and I spent the day with
them. We took them to see several gardens, and Buck and myself were very proud to
show off our gardeners, and just what they produced. One thing I did notice from two or
three they thanked Mark and Faye for the Grow Appalachia program.
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