Up Up and Away
May was a busy month for our participants as they got their mixed vegetable flats at our last meeting. We had a lot of rain which delayed the time for the plants to get into the ground. But now that June has finally arrived, we are getting lots of goodies in the garden. As you can tell the kids are really enjoying the harvesting.

Our participants got the beans from our April meeting and now the beans are up and are starting to vine. We had a father and son team out working in the garden at the farm when I visited. We spoke and they can’t wait to start harvesting and are looking forward to canning some up for the winter.

While in her garden one of our participants was having some extra help while tying up her beans in the garden. Her sidekick thought he would try to help. I love seeing our 4 legged friends out with their owners. You know you are always going to have a good laugh or a smile when they are out there. you never know what they get into.

After playtime was over. She finally got her beans strung up to be able to have them vine.

Since the rain has moved out the sun and humidity have moved their way in, and we are seeing the plants starting to take off and are doing a great job of growing. Hopefully, soon we will start seeing more items ready to harvest.

In just a few more weeks we will be starting to harvest some peppers and cabbage. Hopefully, we will be seeing some broccoli and okra. Some participants have already harvested onions and peas.

At our next meeting, we will be going over garden maintenance, but it looks like these guys are doing a great job at keeping the weeds out of the garden. They will be getting the Hortanova fencing and insect netting to help them keep the bugs off and the wildlife out of their gardens. They will also get their choice of a triangle or loop hoe along with hang pruners to help get to the hard-to-reach places.

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