BUCC April 2022 Blog
Our gardeners definitely have spring fever, and are ready to put things into the ground; however,
Mother Nature apparently isn’t quite as ready as they are. Last weekend we had ¼-
1/2” hail that flattened a lot of things, including: daffodils, tulips, stripped blooms off
trees, and pulverized anything that might have started to come up. Fortunately, most of
our gardeners hadn’t done anything more than get potatoes in the ground. Two weeks ago
we handed out potatoes with a chill wind. Yesterday, we handed out fertilizer with a chill
With Covid still fairly prevalent in our community, we’ve held off on our first official
meeting until the beginning of May when we can meet outdoors, and be warm while
eliminating the risks of meeting indoors; the gardeners can’t wait, as they have sorely
missed those meetings. Even the experienced gardeners feel that they have a chance to
learn something new or share knowledge that will help others.
In their heads people are already canning and freezing their harvest. We
are looking at issues being able to get some things like quart jars from our regular
suppliers. We’ve turned to our gardeners to ask for extra jars from those who might
have them. Some of the things our gardeners like to can- such as, sausage and hot peppers-
need those quart size jars.
Anyway, here’s to what will hopefully be another great growing season.
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