Every year it seems like I say “This is going to be the best year ever!” But I really believe it this year! We have a large number of gardeners and young people have showed interest in the program this year. We have about 63 family gardens and 7 community gardens. We have had a packed house at each of our meetings. It sure has been a joy to see all of the young ones in attendance. SCCC has had a lot of exciting things going on this month. And we are ready to start GROWING! “Come Grow With Us!” We have plans to have a large garden on site. This will be an excellent way for “hands on” teaching. The food grown will be used in the kitchen as well as preserving and supplement the food pantry. Our kitchen is still under construction but, we are serving over 50 meals a week!
This month’s meeting Topic was Basic Gardening. Participants were given potatoes and onion plants as well as cool season seeds. Participants were also invited to the Scott County Farmer’s Market Free seed giveaway. The McCreary Central High School in KY will grow our plants this year. They always do such a wonderful job. The students plant the seeds and take care of the greenhouse. They are always so helpful and considerate to Grow Appalachia participants. The plants will be ready for pick up the week of April 11 during school hours.
We have a couple people who are doing the tilling for gardeners and they are starting this week.
We are so excited about getting the raised bed at SCCC planted. This has been such a great addition. Teressa Honeycutt plants the garden and shares with food pantry participants. Sometimes she has a recipe from something that is grown along with samples to try. She wants to teach people that they can grow thru out the year.
Apple Tree Pruning and Grafting Workshop will be held March 31, 2022 from 2:00 – 4:00 Instructor: Whitley City ANR Extension Agent Stacy White. Each participant will receive 2 Apple Rootstock free of charge (G41 or M7) to take home and graft their own trees. Scion wood not included. Supplies are limited, first come-first served. Location: Doug Stephens Farm, 246 Llyod Trammell Road Strunk, KY 42649, just follow the signs.
Alright, now for some exciting updates on Scott Christian Care Center:
Delivery of Furniture: New Salem Baptist Church in Griffin GA bought furniture for the residential/recovery center!
They also came and assembled the furniture:
Progress on the Theatre:
Trustees gave the front entrance a lovely facelift:
Stone on the Front Entrance:
Stone on the Columns:
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