Hey there everyone!
Our first workshop is already on the books. Garden Planning. We met our first timers and got off to a great start. We currently have 25+ people signed up and are looking for a few more. Once the weather warms up and the frost date gets closer. Those slots will fill up fast. Another Planning workshop will be scheduled for the new arrivals.
Everyone has been so excited to get started again. The enthusiasm is contagious. We are getting our workshops set up, searching for supplies, we have our fertilizer ordered, plants are growing, and seeds are coming in. I know I have left something off the list, like tilling and soil samples too. Regular canning lids have been elusive but we stumbled on to a s sale at Walmart and was able to purchase what we needed.
We are looking forward to having some of the Berea crew actually come for a site visit this year. COVID has made life interesting and challenging for the past 2 years but we have adapted. The new normal is working well so we move on. One thing it did not change is the love of gardening. We had a few people say if it wasn’t for their gardens to tend to they would have gone stir crazy.
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