Bea Sias
Step by Step, Logan, West Virginia
The leaves are turning, and the weather is getting cooler, so we know what this means, fall is on its way. We may have a few more good days to enjoy. It was somewhat hot and really dry at times, so this dry weather did not help gardens very well, but most gardeners watered their gardens two or three times a day. These are the ones who worked hard, but in the end had great productive crops.
Gardens did well this year, most of the gardeners were happy. The newer gardeners did learn some good points. They didn’t fail to call and ask questions of Buck, me, or any other gardeners. If I didn’t know the answer, I suggested for them to use Google to help them. Most of them did not raise a big garden, but I bet next year they will know how to grow more crops.
A lot of canning was done this year, but they can a lot every year. Fresh Start had a rough year. There was a turnover in staff and the garden didn’t receive the attention it needed. Some things were good and the workers who worked the gardens learned from the process. We did get several good reports on potatoes and peas from them. We gave out supplies, such as garden utensils and different tools to our new gardeners sort of late, but, not at our fault; transportation was slow from manufacturers. Potatoes was a very good crop for us, as well as beans, tomatoes, and several other vegetables It was a good and enjoyable year, we all miss the workshops, but, maybe next year it will be different.
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