Topics Discussed: Fruit Production, Extending the Season and Dig/No-Dig Gardening. Tracie Goodman and Teressa Honeycutt both gave wonderful presentations.
Hand Outs:
Ribbons From the Fair / Produce Grown at SCCC:
Only one more meeting this year. It seems hard to believe. But, this year has been the best year ever for me with the Grow Appalachia Program. The next meeting will be October 21, 2021 at 5:00 at the Scott County Farmer’s Market. This will be sharing our successes and failures, both are important. We will share closing stories and have Pot Luck (Fruit of Our Labors).
Here is the link to August 19th’s meeting: (
Make your Donations to SCCC Double!
One Bank has chosen Scott Christian Care Center to help Celebrate their 120 Birthday! Beginning October 1, 2021 One Bank has an open account for SCCC. You can deposit your monetary gift into the account and that account will be open until October 31, 2021. This is a great way to make your donation double! If you have any questions please call:
Rhonda West/Program Director 423-569-2450 or 423-223-1677
“Give thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” Ephesians 5:20
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