Today, with the increased interest in farming and foodways, there is a renewed interest in Fairs, and many communities throughout Appalachia are gathering to celebrate their home-grown produce, share their talents as basket weavers, potters, weavers of “kivers,” jelly-makers, chow-chow champions, furniture makers, whittlers and gee-haw whimmy diddle diddlers. The memory of the Pine Mountain Community Fair has been passed down through generations in the families of the Pine Mountain valley and it is doubtful that the community will soon let go of this important Fall tradition. The hog-calling and chicken calling and other early activities may have gone away but the fair has tapped into what the local community now finds of interest and, who knows, maybe we will hear some of those animal calls again….. maybe this time an elk call or a turkey call, or even a coyote call. (From our Archivist)
Fair Day has been a long-standing tradition at Pine Mountain Settlement School. Dating back to 1914, the event started as an educational field day hosting professor from Kentucky State University, teaching the “new ways” of growing and producing food. Shortly, exhibits joined the ranks of Fair Day and a revered community event was born.
1930 Fair Day
Recollection from an early fair day.
“Hit’s always right and good for men folks and womenfolks to have conversation one with another. On this day they were things to eat and folks to eat ‘em. They were interestin’ things to look at and folks looked. They were a fine educated man to speak, and I reckon most folks got some benefit out of hit. Them that done the best in any manner of means such as callin’ a hog or raising a turnip got notice took of hit. They weren’t no discord nor willful killin’ and shootin’ to interrupt. Hit were a good Fair.
Fair Day 2021
Recently, our 107th fair day concluded with nearly 350 attendees, local craftsman and makers, food, and over 50 exhibits. Today, our visitors can tour our working farm, see grass fed beef, pastured poultry, bees, and a sorghum stir off. As we continue with the tradition we find ourselves looking both ways; to the past to honor the traditions and give our community a glimpse of a time remembered. And to the future as we educate and inspire the new generations living in our beloved mountains.
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