Previously a good share of our gardeners would be done with their gardens by now, but this year their gardens are not done with them yet. The August harvest reports turned in have shown great results. The canners, dehydrator, and vacuum sealers, that were provided by the Grow Program, are getting a workout. It is rewarding having so many people enjoying their gardens.
We also have some brave souls who have agreed to do a Fall planting. They were given cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower plants to put out. One gentlemen gardener was so excited about it that he wanted to know if he could have more plants if there were any left to have. So now we will wait patiently for these plants to grow and see what they can produce.
Our Heart Healthy Workshop was a very tasty event. Kristie, from our Bell County Extension Office, provided good information and some practical tips for eating healthier. She prepared a Garden Patch Salad that was amazing. Of course I will eat most anything, except mushrooms, so of course I loved it. It had an aroma that made your mouth water. One person choose not to try it because she doesn’t like raw veggies but finally gave in after hearing the rave reviews. Well when she finished her second helping, she was sure she would make this again.

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