We are in the midst of gathering our harvest reports from gardeners and finding out about how their spring and early summer work has turned out. For some there are plenty of vegetables and these gardeners are starting to put up a lot of food – mostly canning but also a lot of freezing vegetables and drying others. For other gardeners, it’s a tale of disappointment with not much to show for all the effort. One gardener spent the month of April clearing debris from his garden in the bottom as the flood waters had covered it over in the heavy March rains. For another, the deer have gotten so brazen that they come right up to the garden near the house and munch into the night. I guess not that many local residents hunt squirrels and rabbits anymore because these critters have eaten a lot of our produce in the last 2 months.
Many of our older gardeners miss the camaraderie and the shared gardening tips from our workshops together. They always speak so highly of Jenny Totten, who has done many of our workshops, as well as local Logan County gardener Buck West, who has many years of trying different ways to outwit deer and rabbits. Our newer gardeners only have online experiences of workshops which, though helpful with information, don’t quite measure up to the wisdom of the gathered elders. Finally, our hoes are on their way – at least some of them. Our entire order couldn’t be filled for lack of wood for the handles, but partially filled orders are better than none at all. Maybe by next year it will all improve so that the timing will be more on target.
Nevertheless, we persist – trying to find a new way to get water to the garden or keep critters out. We think the harvest overall will be OK – but not abundant like in prior years. I continue to be inspired by the gardeners who, amidst some really tough life challenges including COVID 19, get out to the garden on a regular basis to keep it going.
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