June 17, 2021 Grow Appalachia Class was held at the Scott County’s Farmers Market. Amber Minor taught the class and the topic was Food Preservation.
- Preserving the Harvest
- Canning
- Freezing and Dehydrating Food
- Other Techniques
At the class Amber had a Power Point Presentation and gave each participant a Power Point Outline. This was very helpful. Amber also created a short survey for all participants wanting to take a small hands on Food Preservation Class. This will help her determine how many classes she needs to make available for participants. This will be free for Grow Appalachia Participants. She also shared “So Easy to Preserve” canning book that we have for participants to borrow. Other resources shared: Safe Produce, “Handling Produce Safe at Home”, Storing Produce, “For the Short Term” and Food Preservation, “Canning Vocabulary”.
Farmers Market Pictures:
One of the participants has shared some photos with us of her sons. They are “Big” helpers in the garden. She said,” He planted 30 pepper plants! He wants to make and sell hot sauce.” I can’t wait to buy some!
Potato Barrels: She just keeps covering them up and they should produce a barrel full of potatoes.
Justice Center Garden: This garden is one and a half acres. The trustees till, plant, weed and grow this beautiful garden. I never see any weeds in the garden. The soil looks like silt. They have all of the tomatoes caged and about ½ acre of potatoes planted. This is very healing for the men who work the garden. They gain a sense of responsibility as well as accomplishment.
Little chicks being shared:
This garden is a young family of five. This is the first year they have planted their own garden. They have three young boys who love to get in the garden and help their mommy. It has been a real pleasure getting to work with them and share knowledge.
Update on Scott Christian Care Center facility:
The Great Room now has a stage area for preforming arts and live music. This will allow for theatre and plays to be performed as well as local artist displaying their art work and live local music.
The commercial manufacturing kitchen is almost complete.
The next Grow Appalachia class will be July 15, 2021 at the Scot County Farmer’s Market at 5:00. The class topic is “Healthy Cooking from the Garden”. Using Herbs, Heart Healthy Habits and Little Changes Add Up. Hope to see everyone there. Happy Gardening!
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