Our early distribution of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, onion sets and seed potatoes went extremely well. We were able to chat with people and catch up on the latest news. We also handed out materials from our county extension office and answered a lot of questions. Everyone was excited and looking forward to this years garden season.
We are patiently waiting for the frost date before we distribute tomatoes and peppers. They are ready but in the midst of this our fearless leader, Tim, has been temporarily called away to fill another role. He is the Site Supervisor for our Home Build. Our host site builds and entire house each year from the ground up. For 6-8 weeks over the course of the summer work teams will come in from all over the country to lend a hand building this home. So after this 2 week stint Tim will be back ready to dispense the next batch of veggie plants, well after frost date. That way old Jack Frost will not nip our plants. We also have our next batch of printed information we will hand out and discuss with our gardeners.
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