We’re getting into some serious gardening, finally! We’ve had a slow start to the season with spring rains, frosts, snows, and flooding, but we’re finally moving forward. Folks are anxious to get their hands into the dirt now and plant those seeds, but we’re still cautioning them to wait. The soil needs to be warm enough, the last frost dates haven’t passed, and the rains are still coming down. We have had some successful lettuce, onion, and potato growth and people are excited to share their pictures.
April Meet up
Seeds given away
We’ve offered the general assortment of seeds for families to dig through and find their favorites, but we’ve also purchased some special seeds! We’ve given out Super Sugar Snap Peas, State White Half Runners, Kandy Korn, Georgia Rattlesnake Watermelon, Improved Long Green Cucumber, Black Seeded Simpson, Green Canteloupe, and Big Max Pumpkin.
Tomatoes we started from seed for our participants are now being transplanted into 2 gallon bags and will be set out into the garden in the next 3 weeks. Everyone got a lesson from Dianna Reed (4H Agent) at the May meeting on transplanting peppers into 1 gallon fabric pots and they took them home to harden off before planting them in their gardens.
Proud Gardeners
We have so many new gardeners that are proud to show off their new peas, lettuce, onion, and potato starts. A couple got theirs in early and have now had several meals with fresh lettuce and onions. (kilt lettuce is a favorite) Peas should be making it onto tables and into bellies in the next few weeks.
Tilling Gardens
We employed the help of long time garden enthusiast, Scott Bradley, and his Kubota tractor. to till some or our larger gardens this year. He took some before and after photos for us. He’s been such a blessing to the Grow Appalachia program over the years.
May Meet Up
Dianna Reed, our 4H Agent, did a demonstration on how to transplant peppers and allowed our folks to take them home.
Setting out your Garden
Our AG Agent, Brian Jeffiers, spoke on best practices and setting out your garden in the coming weeks. He talked about soil temperature, fertilization, seed planting and how deep to set plants in the ground. He went into detail on how to read those soil sample reports that we’re getting in the mail.
Joyful Helpers
Elaine Burton, the Nutrition Education Program Specialist, has been there every month supplying participants with beautiful food calendars and helping to organize our give aways. This month we gave out a Stirrup hoe for our gardeners to use. Many hands make light work is so true!
I spoke and demonstrated how to use a template for some small square foot gardening. Gardening is for everyone! Regardless of the size of your square of earth! We’re off to a great start!
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