April 15,2021 Grow Appalachia met at the Scott County Farmer’s Market.  Doug Stephens, a dedicated GA volunteer and Master Gardener spoke of the following topics.  His class consisted of a Power Point presentation with class handouts.

Organic Gardening:

1.     Why?

2.     Techniques

3.     Pros and Cons

4.     Mulching

This is the April meeting video on YouTube (https://youtu.be/9EAUD925vxI). We would like to thank Sean Tormoehlen for all of his hard work , recording and uploading all of Grow Appalachia meetings!


Tracie Goodman shared a video about composting/composting barrels.  This is the link to the video:

“Cheap & Easy Compost Bin” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spmyReiWD04


McCreary Central High School opened the green house to Grow Appalachia participants this month.  The plants were amazing and the participants really bragged on them and the students.  The students were very helpful and polite!  These are some of the plants that the students offered in the greenhouse:


Cool Season:                                                                    Tomatoes:

*Broccoli                                               *BeefMaster                           *Golden Jubilee

*Cauliflower                                         *Better Boy                            *Hillbilly

*Golden Cross                                      *Big Boy                                 *Mr. Stripey

*Late Flat Dutch                                  *BrandyWine                        *Pink Girl

*Ruby Perfection                                *Choc. Cherry                        *Roma

*Stonehead                                          *Early Girl                              *Rutgers

*German Johnson                              *Sunsugar



*Big Bertha                                                                                        *Habanero

*California Wonder                                                                          *Hot Banana

*Cayenne                                                                                           *Key Stone

*Early Jalapeno                                                                                *Sweet Banana


The Scott County Farmer’s Market will Open June 5, 2021 from 9am to 2pm and will continue every Saturday through the end of September.  Come join us for opening day with vendors, activities, and food trucks.  Come out and shop local!  Currently accepting vendor applications!  For more info, visit tiny.utk.edu/ScottCoFM.

McCreary County Farmer’s Market

Opens May 15, 2021

Saturdays from 9 – 12

  1. The Saturday market will be located at the Soil Conservation garage on Wilburn K Ross Highway in Whitley City. Opening day is May 15thand goes through the end of September. The Wednesday market will be in front of Kristina’s Kitchen on Main Street in Whitley City, opening day for that is June 16th and will just be for the summer (I believe through August).
  2. Hours of operation will be:  Saturdays beginning May 15thfrom 9 AM-12 PM, Wednesdays beginning June 16th from 3:30 – 5:30PM.

If anyone needs info on membership or setting up a table let us know.


I love getting all of the pictures that everyone sends to me!  I would like to share some of them with you:

Kessa Cross:  I have learned a new way to till!  I love to see the younger ones getting involved.



Lynda Mills:  “3 rows of taters plus one construction site now under development.”

Two of her kids will be doing the Hindman Settlement School’s summer program!



Suzie Thompson:  Shared some of her plants she and Lynda have in their raised beds.



This is her Rhubarb and baby Broccoli after the rain today!



Doug Watters:  Shared some videos with us that was awesome!  Some of the plants he got at the McCreary Central High School.