Scott and McCreary county participants gathered for our 2nd Grow Appalachia meeting held on March 18th. To ensure the safety of our participants by observing proper social distancing, we offered a multi-faceted meeting format. One meeting at 4:30, repeated at 6:00 plus uploading the video to our YouTube channel.
This month’s meeting focused on Basic Gardening 101. Doug Stephens, a dedicated GA volunteer and Master Gardener spoke of the following topics. His class consisted of a Power Point presentation with class handouts.
- Methods and Styles
- Cool Season and Warm Season Crops
- When to Plant
- Planting Potatoes and Onions
- Mulching
- Selecting and Ordering Seeds
- Raised Bed Gardens
Participants received potatoes and onions and hand tools.
One of our participants brought 6 one-month old chicks to share with other participants. A couple of them were leghorns. The others were a good barn yard mix that would lay beautiful brown eggs. She is willing to share more. Her next hatching will be March 21st.
All of our participants are eager to get started planting. They have really enjoyed the fellowship with the other gardeners. They also liked all the door prizes!
Our next meeting will be April 15th. Class topic “Organic Gardening”
The meetings are so informative and enjoyable. We get to meet and talk to other gardeners and learn from each other as well as from the speaker. I love grow Appalachia