The harvest is the reward for the labor you invested in your garden.
As we are gathering the harvest reports and adding up the numbers. We are hearing the triumph in the voices of those who worked their gardens into a bountiful harvest this year. So many of our participants are starting from lawns, weed patches, or long neglected gardens. It takes extra work reclaiming ground for a garden. We did our best, this year, to get our new gardens off to a better start. We still struggled a bit, weeds and grass have their own agenda, but the gardens did very well. The second year gardens out did themselves growing an abundant of produce.
Our community garden, although planted late-July 3, is showing signs of having a good harvest. Over 100 lbs of white half runner beans have been picked and shared in the community with more to come. The 3 varieties of sweet corn are looking good too. The okra, tomatoes and peppers are not sure about their future but we are hopeful.
We have all spoke about and related to the changes that had to be made this year because of the pandemic. Our gardens apparently were not informed. They were planted and produced like nothing has changed. It should give us hope that the more things seem to change, the more some things remain the same.
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