This year has certainly been different.  But needless to say, It has been a good one.  Participants are happy to share photos, recipes and wonderful gardening stories.  I always get excited to see what they share.  We are so proud of our gardeners.

Brianne Upchurch and her 3 year old daughter, Evelee shared photos of them canning salsa.

Along with some of her harvest:


This is Brianne Upchurch’s Great Grandmother’s recipe that she shared with us.


Squash Pie

¾  cup Squash                     1/3 cup melted butter

1 cup heavy cream             1 tsp vanilla

1 cup sugar                          1 tsp salt

3 egg yolks                           spices

Combine all and bake 325 degree for 1 hour

“I use pumpkin pie spice, but any warm spices are good”!

Jolie Botts shared photos of her harvest.


Participants are sharing harvest with family and coworkers!

Lynda Mills

“I hope that at least one of my kids keeps gardening as an adult.  It is such a lost skill among young people.”





Kathleen Moore

African Blue Basil for pasta dishes and Lemon Balm for winter tea.

I also wanted to share with you some of the progress happening at the Center.  This week we were able to put in the hvac unit.  We also laid tile, painted, installed lighting and hung doors.