Bea Sias
Step by Step_Logan, WV
We have been getting some good reports from our gardeners… of course, sometimes one may encounter a little pest like the cute ground squirrel digging potatoes out of a garden then sitting there to eat. The gardener asked us what she should do, and I told her we had no clue to this problem, but “moth balls” have solved a lot of problems. I am sure I will find out if this solved her problem.
When the weekly harvest reports are called in or messaged to me, they are full of numerous kinds of vegetables. Green beans are not quite ready for use, but peas have done exceptionally well. I think people get excited for green beans and tomatoes to come in. Also, green beans are wanted by everyone to can or freeze or just eat. Unfortunately, some gardeners had to re-plant their green beans a couple of times, but we got anxious for these vegetables and maybe the ground was too cold. or too wet.
We have several new gardeners as does Big Ugly. People are wanting to can and freeze food. I was in a store Sunday looking for canning salt, and the shelves for canning items were almost empty. I think people are just being prepared for another food shortage.
Our new gardeners are middle-aged and a few are a little older; they had really wanted to attend our workshops and talk about canning. People are really into canning food now. We talked to a lady the other day, and she and her husband have canned everything from potatoes to pinto beans. Everyone is interested in learning to can, and our gardeners talk about canning every time we are together.
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