Busy, Busy, Busy...
Say Hey to Tim Lambdin, our project coordinator, sitting astride his favorite toy. During an unusual dry spell Tim was able to get the gardens tilled up. This tilling worked in a cover crop mix we planted last Fall. Check out all that pretty soil. We will have to go over it again because we are working to reclaim this area from weeds and neglect. It has been well worth the struggle. This year we will be adding holding tanks above these gardens to catch run off and overflow. Doing this will then provide water for irrigation during the summer dry spells.
It has been a challenge, as you all well know, adapting to whatever the current COVID-19 restrictions are. Our parent organization has been financially hit hard. We went from 20+ employees to 9. Only key ministries are still open. They are the food pantry, MIHOW, Greenhouses and Grow Appalachia. Despite all of this we are confidant that we will come out of this stronger than ever.
Tim and his assistants are busy making lots of phone calls instead of having gatherings. He has been making deliveries, at a 6 foot distance, of seed potatoes and onion sets. On these deliveries he is scoping out the lay of the land for the gardens planned. “To till or not to till, that is the question.”
Before we know it, it will be time to select plants and seeds. We will implement a schedule, at that time, so that folks can come in to pick out their plants and have minimum contact with others.
Thank you for taking the time to read about us.
Talk to you again soon,

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