How many are excited about the upcoming growing season. I know some of you are already planting seeds in your greenhouses and high tunnels. I love growing season. The process of growth brings such joy.
The Husbandman Waits
I am a pastor. The other day, I was reading in the book of James how the husbandman patiently waits on the harvest. As I was reading that passage, I thought about the process of waiting on the harvest. The process of waiting for the husbandman does not mean he is setting idly by. He is cultivating and pruning. He is watering and weeding. The process of waiting on the harvest is anything but idle.
The Husbandman Finds Joy
As I contemplated the waiting of the husbandman, I thought of the joy which the husbandman finds throughout the growing process. For him, the joy is not only the harvest. Joy is found in the process of growth. What about you? Do you find joy in each step of the growing process?
The Sources of Joy
What are the ways joy can be found in the process of growing? First, maybe it is the joy of being in the garden. During the winter, the gardener is cooped up in the house, separated from his source of joy. As the sun begins to warm the earth, the thoughts of the growing season build. The husbandman begins to get excited as he begins to plan his garden. Maybe he sharpens his tools, purchases seed, or watches videos on a new growing process he will attempt in the upcoming growing season. Then, he breaks ground. What a joy to take in the aromas of freshly worked ground. Then, the seeds are planted. If you are like me, as soon as the seeds are planted, you begin to look for the seeds to break through the ground. Then, the sprout breaks through, sheer JOY! As the waiting continues, the growth is watched. Each step of the growing process increases the joy. As the foliage on the plants grows, so too does the joy of the husbandman grow. Then, the plant begins to bud, the harvest will be soon. Yes, the husbandman finds joy in the waiting.
Anticipation Brings Excitement
Are you as excited about the growing season as I am? Just writing this blog, anticipating the upcoming growing season has brought me joy. Thinking of this makes me want to get out in the garden and get started. Hey, speaking of that, I need to go prepare my soil samples.
I am terrible at wanting to jump the gun on planting. I want to get started, even when I know it’s too early. Anyway, the anticipation for growing season has begun. I am excited, but I know I need to wait. How about you? This season, I hope that you will find Joy in the Waiting!
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