Bea Sias,
Logan, WV
Step by Step
It seems that once we get started well with our gardening season, and with a snap of the fingers it is over. We really are too busy to get to enjoy the fruits of our hard labor. But there has definitely been some busy people in Logan County and surrounding areas canning and freezing their vegetables. A lot of green beans, tomatoes, corn, and pickles to name a few items that are sitting on pantry shelves, waiting to be poured in a Big Pot of Soup.
We have had two canning workshops. In the two days of instructions, by Dana Wright, a total of 18 people came to make salsa. Dana worked with these people approximately five to six hours each day. We make Salsa and it was delicious.
I have a new gardener this year that is canning everything, simply because several years ago we had a very bad storm and she had been to the store a couple of days before the storm. Well, the electricity was out for several days and she lost all of the food she had bought.
The Community Garden in Man, WV did very well this year. Several people took advantage of the Church’s generosity and had good fresh vegetables to eat. As of right now, people are busy canning some good food to eat at Holidays and Family Gatherings. A few vegetables that were plentiful this year was green beans, corn, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Corn is coming in good now of course, and Zucchini was plentiful, a lot of bread was made and some was frozen to eat when family comes homes.
We are going to try to have one more canning class this season. Several have voiced their interest in learning how to freeze tomatoes. I want to make sure we are doing our part by instructing them in the best practices of safe freezing.
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