Amber D’Attoma /UT Extension Agent spoke and taught on how to preserve and store fresh produce, Safe methods of canning and freezing foods. Amber presented a PowerPoint and spoke about the safe canning methods.
Suggested books:
- “So Easy to Preserve” UGA
- “Canning Foods” UT
- USDA Complete Guide to Canning PDF Online
- Seasonal Guide
- Canning Vocabulary
- Safe Produce/Handling Produce Safely
- Storing Produce
- Preserving Foods at Home
- Freezing and Drying Tips
Amber also provided: Food Thermometers, Veggie Brush, Hand Sanitizing Spray and “Eating Smart at Home Cookbook”for all participants.
SCCC Grow Appalachia has enjoyed working with the Extension Office and their Employees. We would like to Thank Seth Whitehouse/UT Extension Agent, Amber D’Attoma/ UT Extension Agent and Teresa Honeycutt/Ext Program Assistant, they have been great to work with and a BIG help to gardeners this season.
A BIG “Thank You” to Doug Stephens who brought participants “collapsible veggie crates” to use while picking fresh veggies.
Canning Jars, Utensil sets for canning, and a bag full of “goodies” from the UT Extension Office was given for door prizes.
Amber D’Attoma/UT Extension Agent will host a three day session on “Canning” in July. We have several new participants this year who are looking forward to this class. If you are interested in attending this session please contact Rhonda West/423-223-1677 or Amber D’Attoma/423-663-4777.
Next scheduled class is July 11, 2019 on “Healthy Cooking from the Garden”.
- Using Herbs
- Heart Healthy Habits
- Little Changes Add Up
Hope to see everyone there. Happy Gardening!
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