As school comes to a close, Owsley County FFA is just getting started. Work began on the farm May 28th, and with just a few sets of hands, progress was made. FFA Advisor and agriculture teacher Mr. Alan Taylor hires students every summer to slay the loads of farm work and “keep him in working order.” The first day on the job, Mr. Taylor and five of his members and students worked diligently to set tomato plants, clean his classroom, and clean the Farmer’s Market that is used by the community and school alike. As they continue, they plan to repaint all of the vendor tables at the Farmer’s Market and Mr. Taylor’s classroom, continue work on the farm, and clean out the greenhouses to prepare for the use of next years students. The student’s mention how this job prepares them for hard work in the future while enjoying the company of their peers and their FFA Advisor.

Emilee McQueen and Leigha Dooley working together to follow the setter and put tomato plants in order.
“I can’t wait for work! I love what we’re doing here, and I think next year’s students will too,” says Abby Oliver.

Student Abby Oliver works with tomato plants.
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