Bea Sias
Logan County Step by Step
Gardening is 50% underway. Not everyone has been able to get too much completed on their garden, but, several who are stay-at-home people got to take advantage of those pretty spring days that we had in West Virginia. The “W” word which is, WEATHER, has not been too co-operative for everyone. It is going to frost, rain and be cold for a few more days. In fact, the weatherman is calling for two more touches of frost up to the middle of May. But, everyone is in good spirits and looking forward to seeing what their garden grows.
I am very excited about this growing season because we have several new gardeners. All the people are not young; some have never gardened before, some of these people are in their sixty’s, and men at that. But, if they are willing to learn, we are willing to help them. We have worked this spring with several groups of college students, who are either ready to graduate or continuing with their education. One young lady has finished her work for her Ph.D., she is from Africa, couldn’t speak English too well but, she knew a lot about gardening. In her community, they had a community garden and she always rented her space. We had some seeds she had never heard of and she asks about them, so I gave her some to take and share with her gardeners at home. They seeded several cells for us and really helped us a great deal. The other Group helped us sort seeds and get everyone’s seeds ready to give out. Also, I had the opportunity to work with another group of young adults who were ready to begin their lives in the field of Adult Life? Very nice people and I am sure they will succeed in this world. We still have a lot to do to get everyone settled in to start planting seeds. Hopefully, we can get everyone up to par and help them and they shall reap the rewards they work hard for.
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