Now begins a season of rest and we all need rest; even our earth needs to rest for a season. We’re clearing our gardens, sowing cover crops to replenish the nutrients we’ve used up this summer, cleaning & putting our tools away until we get the fever again to dig into the soil and press a seed into the earth and wait for the miracle of life to begin anew.
It’s been a good year. Our cellars are full, our larders overflowing, our shelves packed with goodness to get us through the winter ahead. We always wonder, “Is it enough?” “Will we need to buy more before the harshness of winter is over?” and it always is, even if it isn’t. We find reasons to go to the supermarket and look for more, new, unusual foods to supplement our staples at home. Eating is our passion and it begins in the garden. I find that what we buy the most of is dairy products; milks, sour cream, cream cheese, cheeses, yogurts, and ice creams, so our next adventure may just include a dairy animal or three, but that’s a story for another day.
Looking ahead…….
Some of our gardeners are looking into next year with a bit of trepidation and worry as garden plots have been sold off, new garden spaces are being looked into, and new folks are wanting to join & explore the field of gardening. One such family is Glenna Robinson & Scott Bradley, a mother and son duo that manages a huge garden and has for many years. The owner of the land recently sold it and now they have to move on. They may be partnering with an older gentleman who lives near them and already has two large plots with 10 foot fences around them. He plants a beautiful garden, but could really use the help as he’s getting older and this seems like the perfect solution. I’m looking forward to partnering with them to make the move easier and more enjoyable for both parties. Mr. & Mrs. Lowe will be so blessed to have Glenna and Scotty join them.
The time for rest is upon us and I’m ready for it: REST!
Enjoy some random pictures of our year.

Logs planted with flowers

St. Vincent Mission Community Garden

Breaking beans

Purple carrots

Floyd County Farmers Market Gearheart Mountain Farm

Regan & Gary clowning around.

Grow Appalachia potlucks have the best food!!

Sunflowers for sale!

A cherished gift from a garden friend!

A few of the many faces of beans!

Beautiful gourds grown by Rena!

Buddy’s beautiful sweet potatoes!

Digging sweet tators with Buddy!

Low Tunnels at an apartment complex

Dale’s roosters comb

Apple Gourds too!


canned sweet tators

White potatoes and sweet potatoes!

Good bones!

Looking to get this books one day.

Foraging books

Enjoying some grub.

At work on my computer
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