We had a great crowd at the last Grow Appalachia meeting drawing a lot of attention in the community! The local Scott County newspaper showed up and had a lot to say about the meeting. We had about 50 gardeners in attendance from both Scott County TN and McCreary County KY. The reporter was so engaged as Cathy Lackey spoke about gardening, beneficial insects, composting, rebuilding the soil and how to deal with pest in your garden. He reported that Marigolds are the best natural pest deterrent for your garden and to line your garden with marigold. Their offensive smell will keep pest out. He also shared about the community gardens in the county. He also added the dates, times, and topics of the next class/meeting. I am excited about the attention that this has brought to the program within our community.
I have received many pictures from our gardeners that I would like to share with you.
This is Brianna Upchurch and her three children, Keithan, Abram, and Evalea!

“They were more interested in finding worms than planting potatoes”

Oh, how the garden has grown in two weeks…
This is Janet Watson’s garden this year!
This Is Rudy Young’s garden!

Elderberry plants from cuttings, Apple grafting from Amish Heirloom tree

Cherokee Purple Tomato plants and cabbage plants

Butler Skinner and Cheery tomato plants
We look forward to seeing everyone at the next Meeting/Class on Thursday June 7, 2018 @ 6:30. We will be meeting at the Winfield Municipal Center. Lora Borja from the UT Extension Office will be teaching on Food Preservation and Canning.
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