Facebook for Gardens
This season, ASD set up Gardening Groups on Facebook so that folks could post pictures, talk about their garden successes and woes. It has been a tremendous success. Folks are sharing photos of things that they’re trying and troubleshooting for one another. They’re sharing recipes and funny videos of kids being kids – playing in the dirt. It has been a joy to watch.
Instagram for the Marketers
Instagram has become a huge tool for market gardeners across the country and now some of our gardeners are getting in on the same. Site Coordinator, Sunni, posts fun videos of her adventures maintaining the demonstration garden at Faith In Action. The High Tunnel is planted in square foot gardening method and there’s always a garter snake in the strawberries. Site Coordinator and CSA farmer, Heather, shares her weekly bounty before delivering boxes of healthy goodness to her customers.
Rainy Delays
This spring and early summer has tested the patience of every gardener in northeast TN and southwest VA. As this is written, there are still 4 families awaiting a till in TN. Between the weather and equipment failures, tilling has been a painful endeavor this season. Folks have and always seem to find a way though. 5 Gallon buckets hold cabbages and cauliflowers. Flower beds have been transitioned into beds of beans and peas. Some of the gardens may not look conventional, but they are producing and that is the best one can hope.
Hearth-Healthy Cooking
Representatives from VA Cooperative Extension shared their knowledge and provided samples of heart-healthy recipes. Folks are beginning to harvest lettuce, radishes, spring onions, and peas from their gardens. Gardeners will use what they learned from these workshops to keep their bodies healthy.
Grateful Hearts
2018 marks 6 years with Grow Appalachia. ASD has helped over 200 families directly and many more indirectly from the generous support provided by Grow Appalachia. The opportunity to do this work and to provide opportunities for families to grow their own food is humbling and down right awesome. Happy gardening y’all!
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