Bea Sias, Step by Step
Logan, WV
The first three days of this week, it has rained and rained hard. Maybe, the next two or three days it will be pretty, the sun will shine and a lot of yard work and garden work will be done. There are only a few things you can set out in the garden, unless you want to go ahead and set everything out and then frost is in the forecast and you make a mad dash to cover up everything. We work hard enough in our gardens so be safe and wait to plant after the frost stops.
Our Gardeners, the one who are new beginners, or the older more experience gardeners are eager to learn to can and preserve their garden vegetables. I have three workshops planned with the Extension Agent to help us with canning. This does not take place of our regular workshops, the Gardeners ask for them, so we are having hands on lessons.
The thing that pleases me, is when the gardens are doing good and all the canning takes place; they take pictures of their can food and either send to me or bring to a workshop to show off what they learned to do. This program has taught the young and old a lot about gardening and preserving.

Workshop in Logan
Everyone wants to be in our group, but we can only take a certain number. I wish I could have taken all that wanted to join.
Having a Garden is also a place to get rid of stress. Doctors recommend to patients who are having a stressful job to try to have a small garden even if it is just a few plants. Flowers are a good stress release hobby as well as being beautiful. I have been visiting the Recovery Home, and they sure have some pretty onions and Cabbage. The two ladies who takes care of the garden at the Home, also had to help their parents.
Hopefully, after MOTHER’S DAY no more frost.
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